Search & Register
Sureties, Guarantees and Collaterals

Title Charges, Director Charges, Financial Vulnerability, Personal Guarantees, Private Charges and more...

Get Started

ChargeCheck® - Complete Compliance.

The leading platform for essential borrower data.

Trusted by Banks, Lawyers, Insurers, Lenders, Private Equity and Family Offices.

Search for a person or company

Multi-Datastreams in Real Time

Search over 46 million charges across 17 live datasets on Individuals, Companies and Property

Comprehensive A&L Statements

Track yours or a borrower's net worth in real time

Unmatched Due Diligence

For banks, lenders, trade creditors, lawyers, estate planners, wealth managers and more



We provide an accurate picture of financial standing on behalf of institutions, SMEs and private individuals.

  • Live Data across Multiple Datasets
  • Search over 46 Million Charges on Individuals, Property and Companies
  • Register your Charges for Total Security
  • The Most Comprehensive A&L Statement on the Market Tracked in Real Time


Research Borrower / Partner Exposure

"Deep-dive" due diligence on a prospective partner's liabilities or track a borrower's global exposure

Boost Your Track Record

Proof of your own track record - ensuring the best deal terms, borrower rates or simply comfort to a counterparty

Financially Vulnerable

UK Companies

Director Guarantees

Personal Guarantees

Data Partners

In addition to our own proprietary data, ChargeCheck provides additional data from trusted partners including:

Vulnerability Registration Service

Check vulnerable consumers for financial, social and personal hardship

HM Land Registry

Check charges against property title and land

Companies House

Check company charges, director charges and more.

ICA Compliance

International Compliance Association

Knowing if a borrower pays for his car each month, isn’t hugely relevant when he might have 6 other loans secured by collaterals and/or guarantees

ChargeCheck Product Suite

Search, Loan Registry, A&L Statements, Insights, LegalTech and Real Estate Asset Management


ChargeCheck Search

ChargeCheck Search provides checks on Credit Worthiness, Open Finance, Financial Vulnerability, Personal and Third Party Guarantees, Rental Guarantees and more. Providing the most comprehensive diligence results on the market.



ChargeCheck Registry

Register your loan, either through API or individually, to ensure your position on the surety behind them, creating an unquestionable and searchable charge on your financial offerings. Set your own notifications as well as for your borrower(s).


ChargeCheck Asset & Liability Statements

Real time A&L Statements provide analysis of an individual or companies net worth and monitors that throughout each term, putting the finance provider in complete control. Notifications throughout the term serve as constant reminders to both lenders and borrowers and ensure any major movements are notified as they happen.



ChargeCheck Insights

ChargeCheck Insights provides an annual report on the usually unconsidered market of sureties, guarantees and collaterals. As the leader in this field, ChargeCheck analyses and condenses all available data in the sector to create its in-depth annual report.

ChargeCheck Legal

Boilerplate legal document repository. Create, amend and execute smart contracts online with optional Blockchain backup & tokenisation facility. Or simply generate and store documents for traditional counter-signature.

ChargeCheck Real Estate

Property asset management software which integrates and supports your existing portfolio and way of working. Make use of the wide-ranging functions: from simple tenant management and rent collection; to automatic rent reviews, notice serving and valuations. Plugs seamlessly into our search, loan registry and asset & liability products.

How ChargeCheck Works

Check out the product demos and videos below

  • All
  • CC Search
  • CC Register
  • CC A&L


Any lender who pauses to think about it should happily and gratefully subscribe.

John Varley

Global CEO, Barclays (2003-2011)

Following numerous frauds, there is a need to improve this space significantly

Bob Wigley

Founder Chairman, UK Finance

With ChargeCheck we will be able to gain a much better picture of an individual's reality. It has taken too long for this to exist

Brendan Clarkson

Director PKF & Advisory Board Member, Chartered Institute of Credit Management


See what's included across the various product and pricing models


£800 / month

  • Affordable Pay-As-You Go
  • For 1-5 users
  • Personal Guarantees
  • Director Charges
  • Title Charges
  • Loan Registration


£1,000 / month

  • All Enterprise Data, plus...
  • Institutional users
  • Known Banks
  • Intermediary Services
  • Credit Reports
  • Document Storage
  • White Label A&L Data

Compare Plans

Get started right away

Product Essential Enterprise Expert
5 Users 50 Users Unlimited
ChargeCheck Search £154.99 £279.99
Land Registry
Companies House
Director Guarantees
Company Charges
Experian Report
Known Banks
Financial Vulnerability
Private Loan & Personal Guarantee Exposure Options
Law Courts Options
Press / Media Options
CC Loan Registry
Use of template legal documents £279.99 Integrated
Loan Registration £200.00 Integrated
Smart Contracts £200.00 Options Integrated
Blockchain receipt & tokenisation £200.00 Options Integrated
CC Asset & Liability
Personal Wealth App Optional
Track Borrower A&L £279.99
Full A&L Dashboard
White-label own product
CC Insight Reports Bespoke
Backups -
Tech Support Email Phone Manager


We'd love to hear from you. Get in touch with the right team at ChargeCheck.

For Sales, Support, Press / Media:

Please contact us on +44 (0) 800 888 6065 or [email protected]

5-6 Argyll Street, London, W1F 7TE

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